Sunday, March 15, 2015

Kids Zone Lesson: March 15, 2015

Today, your child learned how God watches over us and protects us every day of our life. He cares for us in many ways, like providing shelter, a place we can call home. Your child also learned that when we love God and when we are willing to follow Him, we will not need to worry about what will happen next. God has a plan for us and He wants us to remember He will take good care of us. All we have to do is love and follow Him. 
(Scripture used: Psalm 5:11-12)

Memory Verse
Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned during class

Point out to your child that everyone's "home" is different. Some of their friends might live in an apartment, or a really nice big house, or maybe a small house. Remind them that God has given everyone someplace to live. You may want to share your background such as where you grew up and how different it was from today. Talk about how even then, God protected you. He gave you a place to stay, a bed to sleep in, and blankets to cover up with when it was cold. Things like that are easily forgotten, but if we keep them in our minds, we will be able to be more thankful for His protection.

Daily Prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for Your protection. I might not live in the nicest place, but God, You gave me this place to call home. You gave me this home so I can live my life for You. Help me remember to thank You every day for this blessing. Amen.

Today, the children learned how God enabled an unlikely warrior named Gideon to defeat a large army, with only 300 men. Although outnumbered, Gideon knew that with God, all things are possible. Gideon didn't rely on his own strength for the victory, but rather trusted God by obeying the plan God had given him. Likewise, when we trust God nothing is impossible. (Scripture used: Judges 6:11-16, 36-40; 7:1-22)

Memory Verse

Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what was learned during class. 

Parent/Child Activity: 
Take a piece of paper and make a list of famous people with your child. Discuss the impact each celebrity's fame has had on others. Did his or her fame impact anyone for eternity? Did those who made an eternal difference rely on their own strength or God's? Each generation has its own spiritual heroes, who will be the heroes of your child's generation?

Dear Lord, thank You for teaching us that nothing is impossible when we trust in You. It is comforting to know that You use the least of us to make a difference in the world. Help us to remember to rely on You and not our own strengths. Amen.