Sunday, October 19, 2014

KidZone Lesson - Sunday, October 12, 2014

Nursery - 2nd grade

Today, your child learned about the flood and how God kept Noah, his family, and all of the animals safe aboard the ark. When we choose to follow God, we can feel safe. Your child also learned how God promised never to flood the earth again, and how He gave us the rainbow so we can remember His promise. (Scripture used: Genesis 7:12-20, 8:1-19, 9:8-17)

"The Lord watches over all who love Him." Psalm 145:20a NIV
Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned
during class.

Talk about how hard it must have been for Noah to build the ark, and how difficult it must have been to get all of the animals inside and care for them for so long. Remind your child also that God made a promise when it was all done never to flood the earth again. He gave us a rainbow to remember this promise. Ask your child if he or she believes God will really protect us like He says He will.

Dear Lord, thank You for saving Noah and his family and the animals. Thank You for the 
beautiful rainbow that You put in the sky to remind us of Your promise. Help me trust You 
whenever You ask me to do something for You and to not be afraid to do it. Amen. 

Today our Bible lesson was about the time Saul's life was in danger because non-believing Jews wanted to kill him. His friends finally helped him escape by lowering him from the city wall in a basket. The children learned that not only can God change a person’s life, as He did for Saul, but God is also there to lead the way to keep us safe. (Scripture used: Acts 9:19-31)

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3 NIV 
Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Play a few games of hangman with your child, but this time using Bible verses. Take turns looking through the Bible to find a favorite or familiar verse. Then challenge each other to solve the puzzle correctly. Try not to use verses that are too long.

Dear Lord, thank You for being there for us when we are in need. You protect us in such 
mighty ways. You are our strength when we are weak. You are our shield when we are in 
danger. You are our shelter when we are exposed to harm. You are our God. Amen.

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