Sunday, March 15, 2015

Kids Zone Lesson: March 15, 2015

Today, your child learned how God watches over us and protects us every day of our life. He cares for us in many ways, like providing shelter, a place we can call home. Your child also learned that when we love God and when we are willing to follow Him, we will not need to worry about what will happen next. God has a plan for us and He wants us to remember He will take good care of us. All we have to do is love and follow Him. 
(Scripture used: Psalm 5:11-12)

Memory Verse
Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned during class

Point out to your child that everyone's "home" is different. Some of their friends might live in an apartment, or a really nice big house, or maybe a small house. Remind them that God has given everyone someplace to live. You may want to share your background such as where you grew up and how different it was from today. Talk about how even then, God protected you. He gave you a place to stay, a bed to sleep in, and blankets to cover up with when it was cold. Things like that are easily forgotten, but if we keep them in our minds, we will be able to be more thankful for His protection.

Daily Prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for Your protection. I might not live in the nicest place, but God, You gave me this place to call home. You gave me this home so I can live my life for You. Help me remember to thank You every day for this blessing. Amen.

Today, the children learned how God enabled an unlikely warrior named Gideon to defeat a large army, with only 300 men. Although outnumbered, Gideon knew that with God, all things are possible. Gideon didn't rely on his own strength for the victory, but rather trusted God by obeying the plan God had given him. Likewise, when we trust God nothing is impossible. (Scripture used: Judges 6:11-16, 36-40; 7:1-22)

Memory Verse

Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what was learned during class. 

Parent/Child Activity: 
Take a piece of paper and make a list of famous people with your child. Discuss the impact each celebrity's fame has had on others. Did his or her fame impact anyone for eternity? Did those who made an eternal difference rely on their own strength or God's? Each generation has its own spiritual heroes, who will be the heroes of your child's generation?

Dear Lord, thank You for teaching us that nothing is impossible when we trust in You. It is comforting to know that You use the least of us to make a difference in the world. Help us to remember to rely on You and not our own strengths. Amen.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kids Zone Lesson: January 18, 2015

The Life of Moses: Ten Rules to Live By
 Today's lesson was about the Ten Commandments. Your child learned that God has given us Ten Commandments or rules to live by. These rules keep us safe, healthy, and happy. By following these rules, our lives will be pleasing to God.
(Scripture used: Exodus 20:1-17)

"Obey the Lord your God and follow his commands." Deuteronomy 27:10a NIV
Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Family Activity
Take time to talk about the rules you have given your child to follow. Talk about why these rules are important. Explain that rules God has given us are even more important. The first four of God's commandments, or rules, help us live for Him, the other commandments help us get along with other people.

Dear God, we thank You for providing us with a set of rules to help us live better lives, rules that keep us safe, healthy, and happy. Help us remember Your commandments so that our lives may be pleasing to You. Amen

The Miracles of Jesus: Water into Wine

Today, the children learned about Jesus' first miraculous sign, turning water into wine. This miracle shows that the Lord cares about even our insignificant needs as He turns the ordinary into the exceptional, for His glory. Children also learned that we should consider all of God’s blessings as anything but ordinary. We should lovingly thank Him for the abundance in which He blesses us with His goodness. (Scripture used: John 2:1-11)

Memory Verse

Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Family Activity: Read to your child about several of Jesus' other miracles recorded in the Bible. Discuss with your child what it might have been like to see Jesus perform these miracles. Which miracle is your child's favorite, which one is your favorite? Why?

Dear Heavenly Father, it is hard for mere words to describe how we feel about You, how we love You and the depth of awe we have of You. Thank You for the blessings You provide to us on a daily basis. Please continue to increase our faith as you increased the faith of those who followed You in the beginning. Amen.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Kid Zone Lessons: January 11, 2015

This page informs you about what your child learned today in children’s church. Included are Words to Remember/Memory Verse from the Bible, a suggested activity to reinforce the lesson, and a short prayer.  Being involved and interacting with your child can be very rewarding for both of you.

Lesson - The Life of Moses: Provisions in the Wilderness
Today, your child learned that God provides even during the toughest of times. Just as He provided bread and meat for the Israelites while wandering in the wilderness, God will also provide everything we need to live for Him. Moreover, He showers us with so many blessings each day of our lives through our Lord Jesus. (Scripture used: Exodus 16:1-18,31)

 Memory Verse
Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Suggested Parent/Child Activity:
One day this week, challenge your child to try something new. Go grocery shopping together and talk about the different vegetables available to buy. Let your child choose a vegetable he or she has never tasted before. Then, prepare it together to go with a meal. Be sure to give thanks to God before eating. Whether or not your child enjoys the new taste, talk about how God provides so many different kinds of foods for us. Some we like, and some we don't. That is how wonderful God is. He created many options so we can enjoy life. 

Dear Lord, thank You for providing so many wonderful blessings. Let me praise You for everything You provide, especially for the love of Jesus in my life. Thank You also for the different foods we have on our table each day to enjoy. Help me remember never to grumble about what I have to eat. Amen.

Lesson: The Purpose of Prayer
Today we learned the purpose of prayer. A neat way to remember the purpose of prayer,is to remember the word ACTS. We can pray for A - Adoration of God, C - Confession, T - Thanksgiving, and S - Supplication.  We also learned that God wants to be involved in our lives on a daily basis, so we need to pray, read our Bibles and acknowledge that the world we live in was created by God. Look around, see the beauty, and be thankful.
(Scripture used: 1 Chronicles 29:11, 1 John 1:9, Ephesians 5:20, Matthew 7:7)

 Memory Verse

Throughout the week play a game of "Pop Verse" with your child. Pop Verse is similar to a pop quiz - anytime throughout the week any family member can call out "Pop Verse" and the verse reference "Psalm 141:2" - the other family members will then need to recite the verse from memory.

Suggested Parent/Child Activity: Spend some time practicing prayer together with your child. Assign one of the letters of ACTS to four different days of the week. On the first day give prayers of adoration to God. On the second day pray asking God to forgive you and your family for sins that have been committed. The third day give a prayer of thankfulness for all the blessings God gives.Finally, on the fourth day, pray for someone in the church who needs special comfort, healing, or wisdom. 

Daily Prayer: 
Almighty God, we thank You that You give our lives purpose and meaning - May our prayers to You have purpose and meaning as well. At all times let us be mindful that You alone are God as we enter into Your presence through prayer. Amen.

Today, the teens explored Psalms 14 and Matthew 7:24-27. The theme today was "Being a Fool". The teens dived into recognizing foolish acts as well as self identifying some areas in their own lives where they may act foolishly. They understood that you can believe in God but still not follow his guidelines and plan set for us.

Kid Zone: Sunday, January 4, 2015

Today's lesson was about the Israelites' escape from Egypt. Your child learned that God is all-powerful and He loves and protects His people. Your child learned that as believers we can trust that God will help us when we call on Him. 
(Scripture used: Exodus 14:5-31)

"My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth" Psalm 121:2 NIV
Practice all three verses several times with your child during the week. This will help him or her remember the full meaning of the story about Noah and the flood. 

Family Activity

Explain to your child that all things are possible with God and that signs of His miracles
are all around us. God created Heaven and earth. He also created us, and we can take
comfort in knowing that He is in control. Take turns naming ways that God is in control of
the world around us and the heavens above.

Dear Lord, all things are possible with You, we take great comfort in knowing that You are in control. Thank You for helping us in so many ways. You are all powerful and Holy we praise and worship You! Amen.

Today, we learned that God does not want us to pray mechanically like robots. He wants us to pray heart-felt prayers. He wants us to tell Him our desires, our fears, our hopes, and He wants us to sing songs of joy to Him when we are happy. Praying before meals and bedtime is good, but He wants to hear from us more often than that. He wants to be involved in our lives, to comfort us when we are sad, strengthen us when we are scared and laugh with us when we are happy. God will give true meaning and direction to our lives. We need to make Him part of our lives throughout the day by reading His Word, the Bible, and seeking Him throughout the day in prayer. (Scripture used: Jeremiah 29:11-13) 

Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Have your son or daughter help you write an original song of praise to God. Make up your
own melody or sing it to a well known tune you both know. If creating a song is a bit too
difficult, write a poem together with your child praising God for the goodness He has shown you.

Dear Father God, may we come before You often, sharing our deepest thoughts, joys and fears. May our prayers never be stiff, forced or mechanical - but instead be expressions of our inmost being. Amen.

New Year, New Place, New Theme

Mosaic Kid Zone has a embraced our new location with a new theme: 

Each class now has an animal name: 

Nursery-Preschool: Giraffes  

K-2: Elephants

3rd-5th: Zebras

Preteens and Teens: Tigers (every 1st and 3rd Sunday only)

We have 2 new praise and worship songs 
that go with our theme:

Wild About Us

On We Go (We are Wild About God)

Make sure to ask your child(ren) about their experiences in the Kid Zone Jungle each Sunday.