Sunday, January 11, 2015

Kid Zone: Sunday, January 4, 2015

Today's lesson was about the Israelites' escape from Egypt. Your child learned that God is all-powerful and He loves and protects His people. Your child learned that as believers we can trust that God will help us when we call on Him. 
(Scripture used: Exodus 14:5-31)

"My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth" Psalm 121:2 NIV
Practice all three verses several times with your child during the week. This will help him or her remember the full meaning of the story about Noah and the flood. 

Family Activity

Explain to your child that all things are possible with God and that signs of His miracles
are all around us. God created Heaven and earth. He also created us, and we can take
comfort in knowing that He is in control. Take turns naming ways that God is in control of
the world around us and the heavens above.

Dear Lord, all things are possible with You, we take great comfort in knowing that You are in control. Thank You for helping us in so many ways. You are all powerful and Holy we praise and worship You! Amen.

Today, we learned that God does not want us to pray mechanically like robots. He wants us to pray heart-felt prayers. He wants us to tell Him our desires, our fears, our hopes, and He wants us to sing songs of joy to Him when we are happy. Praying before meals and bedtime is good, but He wants to hear from us more often than that. He wants to be involved in our lives, to comfort us when we are sad, strengthen us when we are scared and laugh with us when we are happy. God will give true meaning and direction to our lives. We need to make Him part of our lives throughout the day by reading His Word, the Bible, and seeking Him throughout the day in prayer. (Scripture used: Jeremiah 29:11-13) 

Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Have your son or daughter help you write an original song of praise to God. Make up your
own melody or sing it to a well known tune you both know. If creating a song is a bit too
difficult, write a poem together with your child praising God for the goodness He has shown you.

Dear Father God, may we come before You often, sharing our deepest thoughts, joys and fears. May our prayers never be stiff, forced or mechanical - but instead be expressions of our inmost being. Amen.

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