Sunday, October 19, 2014

KidZone, Sunday, October 19, 2014

Today, your child reviewed the previous three lessons about Noah and how important it was for Noah to obey God. Your child also learned how he or she needs to obey God when He wants us to do something for Him. Whether it is something big or small, when we choose to obey God, He'll help us finish the task. 

"Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:9b NKJV
"Come my children, listen to me." Psalm 34:11a NIV
"The Lord watches over all who love Him." Psalm 145:20a NIV

Practice all three verses several times with your child during the week. This will help him 
or her remember the full meaning of the story about Noah and the flood. 

Family Activity

Prepare a task with a few simple instructions. Explain what it is, then have your child work on completing the task. While working, remind your child that by following the instructions exactly, it will turn out great! Award him or her with a small token or snack after completing the task. Remind your child that when we listen and follow God’s instructions, He will help us get the task done, and it will be great! Obeying is such an important thing to do.

Dear Lord, thank You for giving us the help we need to do the jobs You give us. Remind us to always ask for Your help to do what You ask us to do. Thank You for sharing this great story about Noah, how he obeyed You, and how You saved him from the flood. Thank You also for the beautiful rainbow, so we can remember Your great promise. Amen.

Today our Bible lesson was about the time Paul was thrown into prison for casting a demon out from a slave girl. The children learned from Paul's example that even when thrown into a difficult situation, they can still worship and praise the Lord. When they do, God will use them for His glory. (Scripture used: Acts 16:16-34)

Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

This week, go to a few "out of the ordinary" places with your child and worship the Lord with song and prayer. You may want to go to a park, or sit next to a lake and sing a few 
hymns, or you can find a place crowded with people and offer prayers of thanksgiving. Let your child discover that he or she can worship and praise God in many places.

Dear Lord, no matter where I am, no matter what situation I am in, You are there, and I will always love You.  Thank You for Your mercy and grace, and for helping me through the difficult times of my life.  Use me Lord in whatever way You want, for I am here to serve and worship You. Amen.

KidZone Lesson - Sunday, October 12, 2014

Nursery - 2nd grade

Today, your child learned about the flood and how God kept Noah, his family, and all of the animals safe aboard the ark. When we choose to follow God, we can feel safe. Your child also learned how God promised never to flood the earth again, and how He gave us the rainbow so we can remember His promise. (Scripture used: Genesis 7:12-20, 8:1-19, 9:8-17)

"The Lord watches over all who love Him." Psalm 145:20a NIV
Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned
during class.

Talk about how hard it must have been for Noah to build the ark, and how difficult it must have been to get all of the animals inside and care for them for so long. Remind your child also that God made a promise when it was all done never to flood the earth again. He gave us a rainbow to remember this promise. Ask your child if he or she believes God will really protect us like He says He will.

Dear Lord, thank You for saving Noah and his family and the animals. Thank You for the 
beautiful rainbow that You put in the sky to remind us of Your promise. Help me trust You 
whenever You ask me to do something for You and to not be afraid to do it. Amen. 

Today our Bible lesson was about the time Saul's life was in danger because non-believing Jews wanted to kill him. His friends finally helped him escape by lowering him from the city wall in a basket. The children learned that not only can God change a person’s life, as He did for Saul, but God is also there to lead the way to keep us safe. (Scripture used: Acts 9:19-31)

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3 NIV 
Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Play a few games of hangman with your child, but this time using Bible verses. Take turns looking through the Bible to find a favorite or familiar verse. Then challenge each other to solve the puzzle correctly. Try not to use verses that are too long.

Dear Lord, thank You for being there for us when we are in need. You protect us in such 
mighty ways. You are our strength when we are weak. You are our shield when we are in 
danger. You are our shelter when we are exposed to harm. You are our God. Amen.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

KidZone Lesson - Sunday, October 5, 2014

Preschool-2nd grade Classes

What We Learned:
Today, your child heard more about Noah’s obedience. God gave Noah all the instructions needed to build a boat so big it could carry two of every kind of animal, along with all of the food! Noah’s job was difficult because no one would help. The people in that land thought he was crazy. However, Noah listened to God and knew He was telling the truth about the coming flood. Your child learned that it is important to listen to and obey God's Word. (Scripture used: Genesis 6:13-22)

Words to Remember
(Bible versions used are selected to help young children learn and understand the meaning of scripture.) "Come my children, listen to me." Psalm 34:11a NIVPractice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what was learned during class.

Suggested Parent/Child Activity:
Let your child help you do something that requires a little bit of work. For example, you
can rake the leaves, wash a car, or help someone else who needs a helping hand. Remind your child that it is important to do what we are told to do. God told Noah to build an ark. Although it may not have made a lot of sense at the time, Noah obeyed and it saved his and his family's lives. While working together, remind your child that when God asks us to do something, it is for our benefit and we should obey Him. And just as Noah helped to save all the animals on the ark, God wants us to help others as well.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord, Thank You for giving us things to do. Somethings might be big and some might be small, but You ask us to do them. I pray that You help us do these jobs without fussing or complaining but remembering that we are doing them for You. Amen.

3rd-5th Grade Classes

Today our Bible lesson was about the time Saul went to Damascus to arrest anyone who
followed Jesus. However, Saul is blinded by the light of the Lord along the way. Instead of
persecuting the Christians, he turns his life around begins following Jesus and preaching
the Good News. We leaned from this lesson that like Saul, we must acknowledge Jesus as Lord and follow Him wherever He leads us. (Scripture used: Acts 9:1-19)

"The Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous." Psalms 146:8. Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help him or her remember the verse, but it will also help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Take some time this week to talk abut truth and consequences. When we do things that 
Jesus would not appreciate, God may step in and allow some consequences to take place 
in order to help us change our ways to or get back onto the right track. Discuss how God 
might get our attention if we have a tendency to steal, to lie, to cheat, to fight, to be selfish, 
or to be argumentative.

Dear Lord, remove the blindness from my eyes that is keeping me from knowing Your Will 
and help me be sensitive to Your guidance. Like Saul on the road to Damascus, stop me 
when I start to go down the wrong path or when I start to put others things before You. In 
Jesus' name, Amen. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

KidZone Lesson - Sunday, September 28, 2014

This page lets you know what your child learned today in children’s church. Included are Words to Remember/Memory Verse from the Bible, a suggested activity to reinforce the lesson, and a short prayer.  Being involved and interacting with your child can be very rewarding for both of you.


Today, your child learned about the time God asked Noah to do something which seemed very strange to everyone in the land. He wanted Noah to build a big boat! God was pleased because Noah obeyed and did everything just like God asked. In this way, Noah proved he could be trusted with such a big job. Your child also learned how important it is for him or her to obey God. (Scripture used: Genesis 6:9-14)

Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:9b NKJV

Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Suggested Parent/Child Activity:
Take some time this week to remind your child that God has a big job for him or her to do. It is important to talk about this in a way your child will understand. Your child needs to be prepared and know that God has a plan for each and every one of us. Our job is to obey what He asks us to do. Explain to your child that when we simply obey God, He will take care of the rest, just like He did for Noah.

Daily Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for loving me and having a job ready for me. Whatever that job might be, I pray that You will give me the courage and strength to finish it and to know that You will be there to help me. Amen.
3rd Grade and Up

Today's lesson the children learned that to be just like Jesus, they must give their whole self to God and become a pleasing offering to Him. As Jesus sacrificed His life for our sins, so that we may have everlasting life, we must also become "Living Sacrifices", holy and pleasing to God. (Scripture used: Romans 12:1-21)

 Memory Verse

Several times this week, ask your child to say these verses from memory. Ask them what these verses say about love. 

Suggested Parent/Child Activity: This week, find a program where you and your child can pitch in to help others in need, even if only for a few hours. Perhaps serving food to the needy, washing dishes, collecting clothes, etc. When finished, discuss with your child the blessings that were felt by serving others without expecting anything in return.

Daily Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be just like Jesus. I truly want to be a humble servant, just like Jesus. I truly want to live my life depending on You for everything, so I can show love to others, just like Jesus. And Lord, I truly want to offer myself as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You, just like Jesus. Amen

Preschool Praise and Worship Favorites

Here are some of the class's all time favorite praise and worship songs during kid zone. 

Father Abraham

If You're Happy And You Know It

Love One Another 

One Way

I hope you and your preschooler enjoy your praise and worship time together!!!

KidZone Lesson: Sunday, September 14, 2014

This page lets you know what your child learned today in children’s church. Included are Words to Remember/Memory Verse from the Bible, a suggested activity to reinforce the lesson, and a short prayer.  Being involved and interacting with your child can be very rewarding for both of you.

Today, your child learned what it means to be born again and have eternal life in Heaven. Your child also learned about Nicodemus, and that God wants us to come to Him with our questions. (Scripture used: John 3:1-15)

 "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life." John 3:36a NIV

Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Suggested Parent/Child Activity:
Read the story about Nicodemus found in John 3:1-15 with your child. Nicodemus was full of curiosity. He had many questions and was not afraid to ask Jesus. Did Jesus answer his questions? (Yes.) Sometimes we forget that all we have to do is ask. Jesus wants to answer our questions. Sometimes we get the answer right away, but other times, we may need to wait. Ask your child if he or she has any questions to ask Jesus.

  • ·  Where will my dog go when he dies?
  •     How do people eat in Heaven?
  •     Do you love every person on the earth?
  •     Will I be able to sit on your lap in Heaven?

Answer each question as Jesus would or you can have your child pray each question directly to God.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord, I am thankful that I am a child of God. I pray that You will give me boldness and courage to ask You questions. Let Jesus be in my heart so I can be born again and live throughout eternity with You. Amen.

3rd Grade and Up

The children are learning how they can be just like Jesus. Today's lesson was about how God loves them and how Jesus showed love while He was on earth. The children learned how important it is to show their love for God and how they can show Godly love to others. (Scripture used: 1 John 3:16, 4:7-12, I Corinthians 13:4-8a)

Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV 

Several times this week, ask your child to say these verses from memory. Ask them what these verses say about love. 

Suggested Parent/Child Activity: Choose one or two family members or friends that you don't see very often. Perhaps persons who no longer live close by. Purchase greeting cards, or have your child make some of their own. Then have your child write words of encouragement, or kind words of love inside, and mail the cards this week.

Daily Prayer: Dear Lord, it is amazing how much You love me. I may never show the kind of love You do for me, but I want to try. I love You. Father, please give me the will to love others as I love myself, and not be selfish or unkind. Help me to show the kind of love that Jesus did while He was here on earth. Amen